Pharmacy management you can count on.

Our team focuses on evaluating the current standing of a hospital pharmacy and finding ways of improving upon the structure and productivity.

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Welcome to PharmaCare Services

At Pharmacare Services, we focus on solving problems, rather than working around them. Our core values of team-based leadership, solid relationships, and deep commitment to quality and service are why hospitals rely on PharmaCare Services. Our goal is to take your pharmacy beyond functional and work towards a well-managed and well-staffed profitable entity.

Who We Serve

Who we Serve

  • Acute Care Hospitals
  • Long Term Acute Care Hospitals
  • Psychiatric Hospitals
  • Rehabilitation Hospitals
  • Surgical Hospitals
Need Pharmacy Staff?

Need Pharmacy Staff? Let us help!
Call us today!

210.745.4000 or 800.656.6515

Why PharmaCare Services

Why PharmaCare Services

Pharmacy Management
Our management team focuses on making use of a hospital pharmacy’s assets in a cost-effective and strategic way.

Why PharmaCare Services

Staffing Services
Providing qualified pharmacy personnel to fill your staffing needs on an interim and permanent basis.

Why PharmaCare Services

Pharmacy Consulting
We look to identify the areas in need of improvement and will work with you to achieve your goals.

Why PharmaCare Services

Remote Resources
Simplify this process by providing remote services for 24/7 coverage, on demand order review/processing and remote emergency staffing coverage.

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